Prof Sandra Wills |
At the time of these two projects, Prof Sandra Wills, was Executive Director, Learning & Teaching, University of Wollongong, 1994 - 2013. She went on to become PVC, Learning & Teaching, Charles Sturt University, 2013 - 2018. In her retirement she is a part-time consultant in higher education, e-learning, and quality. She has a dual strategy for promoting quality teaching: through supporting teachers in designing role-based e-learning activities and through reward and recognition for those innovative teachers. She is a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy; Adjunct Professor at CSU; and Honorary Fellow at UOW. She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and has been a director on numerous boards during her long career including currently the Open Education Foundation, an international philanthropic organisation. LinkedIn Profile |
Relevant publications since the two projects were completed
Promoting Teaching Project
The CSU Academic 2018 version - expanded the concept behind our HEA teaching framework to cover promotion evidence for all three domains of academic activity: teaching, research and engagement
Paper written for the 2018 conference of TEQSA (Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency) outlining The CSU Academic and its impact on promotion for teachers at CSU
Powerpoint slides for my presentation at the 2018 TEQSA conference
Project EnROLE
Representing learning designs – making design explicit and shareable Educational Media International: 2013.
A deeper understanding of reuse: Learning designs, activities, resources and their contexts Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1, 1-11. 2016.
Role-based e-learning for university students : a comparison of Australian, American, British and Singapore designs Journal of Comparative Education: 2012.
The Simulation Triad In C. Nygaard, N. Courtney & E. Leigh (Eds.), Simulations, Games and Role Play in University Education (pp. 23-40). Faringdon, UK: Libri. 2012.
Rethinking reusability: implications from a longitudinal study of online role play in Australian higher education. Education 2011-2021 Summit: Global challenges and perspectives of blended and distance learning, Sydney, 15-18 Feb 2011. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
Learning design for online role play versus simulation ascilite 2010 conference, Sydney, 5-8 December 2010.
Representing learning designs – making design explicit and shareable Educational Media International: 2013.
A deeper understanding of reuse: Learning designs, activities, resources and their contexts Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 1, 1-11. 2016.
Role-based e-learning for university students : a comparison of Australian, American, British and Singapore designs Journal of Comparative Education: 2012.
The Simulation Triad In C. Nygaard, N. Courtney & E. Leigh (Eds.), Simulations, Games and Role Play in University Education (pp. 23-40). Faringdon, UK: Libri. 2012.
Rethinking reusability: implications from a longitudinal study of online role play in Australian higher education. Education 2011-2021 Summit: Global challenges and perspectives of blended and distance learning, Sydney, 15-18 Feb 2011. [BEST PAPER AWARD]
Learning design for online role play versus simulation ascilite 2010 conference, Sydney, 5-8 December 2010.