2006 - 2009, Project EnROLE built an Australian community of university clusters, state networks and international partnerships, to assist dissemination of the teaching technique of online role play in university education. The official website is hosted by the University of Wollongong.
Online (and blended) role plays are:
- designed to increase understanding of real life human interaction and dynamics
- participants assume a role in someone else’s shoes or in someone else’s situation
- participants undertake authentic tasks in an authentic context
- task involves substantial in-role interaction with other roles for
collaboration, negotiation, debate - interaction between roles is substantially in an online environment
- learning outcomes are assessable and generate opportunities for student
They are used in a wide range of discipline areas such as Engineering, International Relations, Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Communications, Business, Environment, Health, Law, Language, Economics, History, Politics, Education, and Geography.
This updated website contains the comprehensive final project report and has retained the 60 role play descriptions from the original website (see drop down menus). We have added more information on the Simulation Triad and chapters from the book, The Power of Role-based eLearning, which both had their genesis in the project. In addition, the team have uploaded many of their publications authored post project.
Support for this project was provided 2006-2009 by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The views expressed in the project do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.